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去年分享:深圳APAC Day of CodeRetreat笔记

Code Retreat: What, Why and How? by Lee Seaborn

GDCR(Global Day of CodeRetreat) 2013 深圳总结

Coderetreat 深圳站 2015

11月14日9点半到6点 Nomember 14th 9:30am to 6pm

Where 在哪

Register 报名

Facilitators 引导者


3 time attendee (first in 2011), event host and 1st time facilitator

Java架构师,开发者。 五年在中国,6个月在深圳在 亿磐系统公司。深圳JUG组织者。 对Nodeclipse和下面的社区有关系。

Guests 参加者

经理也会编辑 :smile:

Corey Haines 朋友

Gino Marckx (Toronto, Canada) Gino is passionate about enjoying work and is responsible for the Agile Competency Center at EPAM.

Immediately after getting his Masters degree in Computer Science at the Ghent University in Belgium, Gino started his career as a programmer with a keen interest in every aspect of software engineering. To date, Gino has gained experience as a programmer, tester, business analyst, process manager, teacher, change agent and assumed various management roles in a variety of companies and industries.

In 2002, Gino started working with some of Belgium's most prominent Agile promoters, joined the Belgian XP/Agile User Group and became actively involved in promoting Agile techniques and practices. After moving to Canada, he co-founded the Toronto Agile Software Development Community. Gino is on the Council of Advisors for the Agile Alliance Board of Directors. He likes to spend his spare time with family and friends enjoying cycling, travel, art, music, poetry and bragging about the supreme quality of Belgian beer.





Time line 安排

09:30 Start
10:00 Session #1
11:00 Session #2
12:00 Session #3
01:00 Lunch long break
03:00 Session #4
03:00 Session #5
05:00 Session #6

Video connection 视频链接

This is in testing, possibly connecting via skype <callto://pverest> or

Expecting connecting to

Onlinde IDE templates

Codenvy factory "CoderetreatJavaMaven" alt

Cloud9 IDE for Node.js

Preparation meeting 准备会

11月5日7点 Thursday 7pm preparation and training for facilitators 准备及引导者培训会


It was good. Not perfect.

Advice by Alex Bolboaca

From my experience, coderetreats work well for a self-selecting group. The chain reaction you were hoping for can still appear, but it will take a bit of time. It could help if you discuss with the people who attended and identify a few enthusiasts you can work with. For example setup an internal community of practice where you do coderetreat-like sessions for 2hrs a week to grow the volunteers' skills.

Also, it's typical for agile to start from organizational practices; usually because that's what managers understand better or can get budget for. If done right, it doesn't take long until you realize you need some technical practices. For example, if you cannot fully test stories developed during a sprint. Or if you have big bang integration. Etc.

I would therefore wait a bit, until these problems appear and then propose the solution. Automation is typically easier to "sell" than pairing, especially when you have one of the problems above.

There are two interesting things you can do at team level:

Other than that, if you want to introduce change in the organization I recommend reading "Fearless change" by Linda Rising.

Photos 照片

6 Photos 照片

Communities 社区

Companies 公司

亿磐系统 (EPAM Systems) is hosting GDCR in 20+ locations. ref

 More events 还有活动

除了EPAM HackFest 11月14日到15日,

on 12-15th Nov.2015 there's also UX event "User Friendly 2015" 还有 UX 活动 11月12日到15日 You can find Mike Jessick there.

P.S. On November 15th there was also DevFest 2015 GDG Shenzhen organized by Shenzhen Google Developer Group (GDG)

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